In case you would like to know more thins about me, here you can find it!
Im Nerea, from Catalunya and I'm 20 years old. I'm a Geography student at the Rovira Virgili Univeristy in Vila-Seca, Tarragona. Apart of this, I do rythmics gymnastics since 3 years old and I also have a special love for cinema and all of the things that this world involves.
It began when i was little when we watched fils every weekend.Then stopped paying attention at this wolrd but when I was a teenager it came back this sort of interest for arts and specially with cinema and with all the digital platforms it became easier to find any film I would like.
If you want to discover more about this world you can explore this website.
" Cinema is universal, beyond flags and borders and passports" - Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu